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जून, 2018 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Forgetfulness vs. Memory Loss

https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/164385a493c61feb Forgetfulness vs. Memory Loss Learn the difference – and strategies you can use to combat them both - with a risk-free copy of this timely report on memory. Where did you leave your car keys? What did you walk up the stairs for? Who was that person you were just speaking with at the mall? We’ve all been there. Those slight lapses of memory. Often times, there’s so much going on in our lives and our minds, that we forget an occasional thing or two. But still, we stop and wonder: is it just a “senior moment” or could it be something worse? Now comes a brand new report from Massachusetts General Hospital,   COMBATING MEMORY LOSS , that gives you the insight and information you need to understand the differences between age associated memory impairment and early forms of dementia … to learn what you can do about it –from developing coping strategies to slowing down its progress … to enabling you to...