सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Do not be attached to inaction. Although the nature of living being is to work ,often situations arise where work seems burdensome and confusing .In such cases , instead of running away from it ,we must understand and implement the proper science of work ,as explained by Shree Krishna to Arjuna

You have a right to perform your prescribed duties , but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions .Never consider yourself to be the cause of results of your activities , nor be attached to inaction

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।

 मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते संगोस्त्वकर्मणि।।

 फलासक्ति को त्यागकर यहां कृष्ण अर्जुन को  कर्म करने को प्रेरणा ,कर्म त्याग का निषेध: समझाते हैं :

This is an extremely popular verse of the Bhagvad Gita , so much so that even most schools children in India are familiar with it .It offers deep insight into the proper spirit of work and is often quoted whenever the topic of karma  yoga  is discussed .The verse gives four instructions regarding the science of work :

(1)Do your duty , but do not concern yourself with the results .

(2)The fruits of your actions are not for your enjoyment.

(3 )Even while working , give up the pride of doer ship .

(4 )Do not be attached to inaction .

Do your duty ,but do not concern yourself with the results.

We have the right to do our duty , but the results are not dependent only on our efforts .A number of factors come into play in determining the results -our efforts , destiny (our past karmas ), the will of God , the efforts of others , the cumulative karmas of the people involved , the place and  situation (a matter of luck ), etc .Now if we become anxious for results , we will experience anxiety whenever they are not according to our experiences .So Shree Krishna advises Arjuna to give up concern for the results and instead focus solely on doing a good job ,The fact is that when we are unconcerned about the results , we are able to focus entirely on our efforts ,and the result is even better than before. 

A humorous acronium for this NATO or Not Attached to Outcome .

Consider its application to a simple everyday activity such as playing golf .When people play golf ,they are engrossed in the fruits -whether their score is under par ,over par ,etc.Now if they could merely focus on playing the shots to the best of their ability ,they would find it the most enjoyable game of golf they have ever played .Additionally ,with their complete focus on the shot being played ,their game would be raised to a higher level .

The fruits of your actions are not for your enjoyment

 .To perform action is an integral part of human nature .Having come into this world ,we all have various duties determined by our family situation ,social position ,occupation etc .While performing these actions ,we must remember that we are not the enjoyers of the results -the results are meant for the pleasure of God .The individual soul is a tiny part of God (verse 15.7 ,Bhagvad Gita ),and hence our inherent nature is to serve him through all our actions.

Daasa bhutaamidam tasya jagatsthaavara jangamam 

shreemannarayan swamee jagataanprabhureeshwarah (Padama Puran )

"God is the Master of the entire creaion ; all moving and non-moving beings are his servants ."Material consciousness (Maya ,माया नटनी ,भौतिक ऊर्जा ,मैटीरियल एनर्जी  ,बॉडी कांशसनेस  )is characterised by the following manner of thoughts ,"I am the proprietor of all that I possess .It is all made for my enjoyment .I have the right to enhance my possessions and maximize my enjoyment." The reverse of this is Spiritual consciousness (परा -चेतना या दिव्य आत्मा ),which is characterized by thoughts such as ,:God is the owner and enjoyer of this entire world .I am merely His selfless servant .I must use all that have in the service of God ." Accordingly Shree Krishna instructs Arjuna not to think of himself as the enjoyer of the fruits of his actions.

Even while working ,give up the pride of doership .Shree Krishna wants Arjuna to give up kartritwaabhimaan (कर्तव्याभिमान ), or the ego of being the doer .(करता बोध की अहंता ,अहंकार ,अहम भावना ).

He instructs Arjun never to chase after preconceived motives attached to his actions nor consider himself as the cause of the results of his actions.

However when we perform actions, then why should we not consider ourselves as the doers of those actions . The reason is that our senses ,mind ,and intellect are inert ;God energizes them with His power and puts them at our disposal .As a result ,only with the help of the power we receive from him ,are we able to work .For example ,the tongs( चिमटा , समसी ,पकड़ ) in the kitchen are inactive by themselves but they get energized by someones hand ,and then they   perform even difficult tasks ,such as lifting burning coal ,etc.Now we say that the tongs are the doer of actions ,it will be inaccurate .If the hand did not energize them ,what would they be able to do ?They would merely lie inert on the table .Similarly if God did not supply our body-mind-soul mechanism with the power to perform actions ,we could have done nothing .Thus we must give up ego of doing ,remembering that God is the only source of the power by which we perform all our actions .

All the above thoughts are very nicely summarized in the following Sanskrit verse:

yatkritam yatkarishyami tatsavaam na mayaa kritam 
tvyaa kritam tu phalabhuk tvamev madhusoodana

"Whatever I have achieved and whatever I wish to achieve , I am not the doer of these .O Madhusoodana ,you are the real doer ,and you alone are the enjoyer of their results ."

Do not be attached to inaction.

Although the nature of living being is to work ,often situations arise where work seems burdensome and confusing .In such cases , instead of running away from it ,we must understand and implement the proper science of work ,as explained by Shree Krishna to Arjuna .However ,it is highly inappropriate if we consider work as laborious and burdensome ,and resort to inaction .Becoming attached to inaction is never the solution and is clearly condemned by Shree Krishna.

Hare !Krishna ! 

कर्मणि ,  एव , अधिकार : , ते ,मा, फलेषु ,कदाचन ,

मा, कर्मफलहेतु : , भू : ,मा, ते ,संग : ,अस्तु ,अकर्मणि।

यही  निष्कामकर्म का शाश्वत गीतोपदेश (श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता अध्याय दो श्लोक ४७ )है।

ते -तेरा ,कर्मणि -कर्म करने मात्र में ,एव -ही , अधिकार : -अधिकार होवे , फलेषु -फल में ,कदाचन -कभी , मा-नहीं (और तू ) ,कर्मफलहेतु: ---------कर्मफल वासना वाला (भी ),
मा -मत ,भू: ------हो (तथा ),   ते -तेरी ,  अकर्मणि -कर्म न करने में  (भी)  ,  संग -प्रीति , मा- न ,अस्तु -होवे

अर्थात तुम्हें अपना कर्म (कर्तव्य )करने का अधिकार है ,किंतु कर्म के फलों के तुम अधिकारी नहीं हो।तुम न तो कभी अपने आपको अपने कर्मों के फलों का कारण (cause )मानो , न ही कर्म करने में कभी आसक्त होवो।

Pl listen :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhOnwals024

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इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

कोरोना के नए स्ट्रेन से मरीजों को हो रहा कोविड निमोनिया, ये हैं लक्षण, जानें किसको सबसे ज्यादा खतरा

ध्यान दें: कोरोना के नए स्ट्रेन से मरीजों को हो रहा कोविड निमोनिया, ये हैं लक्षण, जानें किसको सबसे ज्यादा खतरा डॉक्टर शिवालक्ष्मी-अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्था (AIIMS )  वायरस की दूसरी लहर भारत पर कहर बनकर टूटी है। हर दिन काफी संख्या में लोग इस वायरस से संक्रमित हो रहे हैं। वहीं, देश के कई अस्पतालों में ऑक्सीजन की किल्लत और बेड्स की कमी लगातार देखी जा रही है। ऐसे में कई मरीजों को समय रहते इलाज न मिलने की वजह से उनकी जान भी जा रही है। वहीं, कोरोना का नया स्ट्रेन जिन मरीजों को अपना शिकार बना रहा है, उनमें कोविड निमोनिया पाया जा रहा है। तो चलिए आपको इसके बारे में विस्तार से बताते हैं। कोविड निमोनिया और निमोनिया में है ये फर्क आमतौर पर कोविड निमोनिया और आम निमोनिया एक जैसे ही होते हैं। लेकिन जिन लोगों को कोविड निमोनिया होता है उनके दोनों फेफड़ों में इंफेक्शन होता है। वहीं, आम निमोनिया वाले मरीजों में ज्यादातर इंफेक्शन एक फेफड़े में होता है। कोविड निमोनिया की पहचान डॉक्टर सीटी स्केन और एक्स-रे के जरिए कर लेते हैं। ये हैं लक्षण कोविड निमोनिया के लक्षण भी आम निमोनिया जैसे ही होते हैं। इ...

किन बालकों में एलर्जीज़ का ख़तरा बढ़ जाता है

अमरीकी चिकित्सा संघ के विज्ञान पत्र JAMA Pediatrics में सद्य प्रकाशित एक दीर्घावधिक अध्ययन के नतीजे बतलाते हैं ,जिन शिशुओं को रोगग्रस्त होने पर एंटीबीओटिक्स दवाएं दी गईं बाल्यकाल में उनके कई किस्म की एलर्जीज़ की गिरिफ्त में आने की संभवाना बढ़ी हुई मिली। अध्ययन के तहत जो २००१ से २०१३ तक की अवधि में जुटाए गये आकड़ों पर खड़ा था सात लाख अठ्ठानवें हज़ार  चार सौ  छब्बीस बालकों का रिकार्ड खंगाला गया। किस  किसको कौन से समूह की एंटीबायोटिक दवाएं देने पर किस किस किस्म की एलर्जीज़ (प्रत्युर्जातमक प्रतिक्रियाओं )हुई इसका लेखा जोखा तैयार करने पर चौंकाने वाले नतीजे सामने आये : पता चला इनमें से कुल १७ फीसद शिशुओं को एक या एक से ज्यादा एंटीबायोटिक दवायें दी गईं। पता चला इनमें अनफिलैक्सिस ,एस्मा ,खाद्यों से पैदा प्रत्युर्जातमक प्रतिक्रियाओं का ख़तरा बढ़ गया। अलावा इसके चमड़ी की एलर्जी डर्मेटाइटिस (अंत:त्वचा शोथ जिसमें चमड़ी लाल तथा दर्दीला हो जाती है )अन्य एलर्जीज़ भी मिलीं।नासिका शोथ राइनाइटिस एवं नेत्र श्लेष्मलसंक्रमण कंजक्टिविटिस की गिरिफ्त में भी बालगण  आये। नेत्र  संक्रमण...

About World Physical Therapy Day: The theme this year is "Fit for life".

World Physical Therapy Day is on 8th September  every year. The day is an opportunity for physiotherapists from all over the world to raise awareness about the crucial contribution the profession makes to keeping people well, mobile and independent. In 1996, the  World Confederation of Physical Therapy  (WCPT) designated 8th September as World Physical Therapy Day. This is the date WCPT was founded in 1951. The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physiotherapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physiotherapists do for their patients and community. Using World Physical Therapy Day as a focus, WCPT aims to support member organisations in their efforts to promote the profession and advance their expertise. Reports from around the world indicate that World Physical Therapy Day activities have a positive impact on the profession’s profile and standing with both the public and policy makers. Many WCPT member or...